In a sophisticated test set-up, the most common plastic spreader pipe systems were subjected to a flame test.
Tie points made with plastic sheathing tubes are very user-friendly. The plastic spacer tubes do not draw water, are not fragile and can be cut on site. They are also inexpensive and can be transported easily.
The situation is quite different with fibre cement spreaders. They break easily, are very difficult to cut on site and draw water, which is particularly irritating in exposed concrete, as it can lead to discolouration around the tie point.
But plastic in fire-sensitive concrete walls? Since there is no clear regulation on this, MARO GmbH had the most common expansion pipe systems for DW15 and DW20 tie rods tested for their fire behaviour. The MARO® fire resistance adhesive was used in the system with various support cones and the corresponding MARO® plugs as sealing plugs.
In the course of flaming, the maximum value of the combustion chamber of F120 was achieved without any problems.